AVEDA點滴揹水行2024 - 常仁上師 Fundraising Page
Participant Information
Campaign Description
今年5月5日,點滴是生命將於愉景灣舉辦第18屆「Aveda 點滴揹水行2024」,以「揹水行樂去!」為主題,冀參加者帶著笑臉,為慈善、為缺水居民「行落去」! 「Aveda 點滴揹水行2024」首度走入愉景灣,由著名打卡熱點「海濱禮堂」起步,途經中央公園及大白灣沙灘,以鄰近碼頭的愉景廣場作結,總長3公里、路線平坦,小朋友亦可輕鬆完成。同時,活動亦歡迎參加者帶同毛孩參加,沿途留下大小足印! 為了提供更完整、豐富的體驗,大會將於終點設置小型嘉年華?迎接完賽者,嘉年華內將設有攤位遊戲、市集、吹氣彈床及主題工作坊,讓參加者延續歡樂心情,於離島享受快樂時光。About A Drop of Life
Established in 1998, A Drop of Life is a Hong Kong registered NGO that strives to ensure the access to clean water and sanitation a reality for everyone.We strongly believe that access to safe and clean drinking water is our basic survival right, and is also the key to solving long term problems such as poverty and low education level.
We work according to our mandate of "passing our love and working for love". It is our strong belief that access to clean water should be the basic right for everyone's survival, and is also the key solution to issues such as low education rate and poverty. At the same time, A Drop of Life is actively involved in formulating plans for poverty alleviation, disaster relief, and school rebuild etc. We aim to give hope to those in need from life to livelihood.
In Hong Kong, we show our love and concert to underprivileged groups by organizing charity visits and goodie bag distribution events. To date, over 4.7 million people has benefited from the work of A Drop of Life.
- $ 67844
- raised of : $100000 goal
AVEDA點滴揹水行2024 - 常仁上師 Fundraising Page
Team Description