
Watafuk - Water是福! 籌款網頁


A group of 4 ordinary office dwellers decided to step up the game and try to do something special next year in 2020 - to bring awareness of the importance of water accessibility for remote communities.

On 8 March 2020, we will be carrying 5 liters of bottled water to run through 15km trail, mimicking the adversity that remote villagers around the world have to endure every day.

We need your support! Your kind donation will become part of HKD 3.5 million funding which will be used for building water storage facilities and purifying facilities in Nepal and Cambodia.

Love from Silas Cheung, James To, Natalie Lo and Tiffany Cheung


秉承「傳遞愛,實現愛」的宗旨, 我們在尼泊爾、柬埔寨及緬甸等地方推行可持續發展的水項目,在偏遠山區建設水設施,為有需要的人帶來清潔食水。

5 捐款者
  • $ 3600
  • 正邁向: $2400 目標
尚有 0日籌款
這籌款項目已於Feb 08, 2020 完結, 捐款已發送到有需要人士。 想捐款? 你可以直接捐款給點滴是生命。
  1. 匿名
  2. Jeff Chung - $500
  3. Natalie Lo - $500
  4. Eric Wong - $100
  5. Ho Cheung - $2400

Watafuk - Water是福!


A group of 4 ordinary office dwellers decided to step up the game and try to do something special next year in 2020 - to bring awareness of the importance of water accessibility for remote communities.

On 8 March 2020, we will be carrying 5 liters of bottled water to run through 15km trail, mimicking the adversity that remote villagers around the world have to endure every day.

We need your support! Your kind donation will become part of HKD 3.5 million funding which will be used for building water storage facilities and purifying facilities in Nepal and Cambodia.

Love from Silas Cheung, James To, Natalie Lo and Tiffany Cheung
